Our Mahara journey has started in earnest. To date, we have established a project team to champion the cause, trail blazing in 3 sectors:
1. Business Administration
2. Early Years Care
3. Hairdressing
Preparation and Planning
We have undertaken Mahara development time, working with a Learning Technologist Mentor to set a framework for how we will use Mahara as a complementary tool alongside Moodle and other forms of social networking. This has involved the mapping of the learning journey to determine how the technology can be deployed and who will be involved. A group of Managers, Assessors and Trainers have developed an outline of the range and level of application of e-assessment (using Mahara). This will include use of forums for communication, as well as imagery and supporting documentation.
Cultural Change
We have reviewed our assessment strategy and are in the process of re-defining our concept of e-assessment into an on-line 'Professional Scrapbook ', owned by the learner, which contains and captures the whole learning experience and professional development of the individual through work. It offers a much broader definition than that applied to typical e-portfolio products attached to specific qualifications. Our thinking is not confined to the parameters of proving competence against a particular set of defined standards; it is about creating an environment in which learning can be showcased.
Progress to Date
This includes:
- Project champions established
- Learning Technologist engaged
- Learning journey mapped against technology application
- Technical requirements specified
Next Steps
- Technical platform developed
- Staff training
- e-strategy reviewed in light of project developments
- Launch to learners in pilot areas
The Challenges
Key challenges are to win over hearts and minds of a diverse group of staff - those new to e-portfolio; those experienced in use of qualification based e-portfolio and those who are less comfortable in using technology.
We also need to determine the role employers have to play and where they fit into the equation.
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